Pikes Peak Litter Letter ProjectPikes Peak Litter Letter Project
The litter letters, constructed by local nonprofit Concrete Couch, will be on display throughout the month of October in celebration of Arts Month. Well-sited on a berm, just off Cimarron Street, east of I-25 and south of America the Beautiful Park, the art piece is also available from the adjacent trail. We invite the public to visit the art installation throughout the month of October. We invite you to tell us how the outdoors is IMPACTFUL to you and how you can make an impact in the outdoors by sharing pictures of your visit to the art piece, using the hashtag #PikesPeakLitterLetters!
In celebration of Arts Month, the Pikes Peak Outdoor Recreation Alliance, and the Fountain Creek Watershed Flood Control and Greenway District, join forces to orchestrate the Pikes Peak Litter Letter Project. Each year, our local Litter Letter Project produces a unique piece of sculptural art that is constructed with trash collected from public lands and waterways during Creek Week. Modeled after the national Litter Letter Project, and with permission to use their logo and concept, our local Litter Letter Project is a fun and inspiring annual event that signals the official start of Arts Month. It’s also a wonderful cross-sector collaboration between the Arts, Outdoor Recreation, and Environmental sectors that benefits the entire region!
We welcome you to join us for this years art installation and dedication on wednesday, October 4th from 4:30-5:30 PM at America the Beautiful Park! Remarks will be given by County Commissioner Stan Vanderwerf, Colorado Springs City Councilmember David Leinweber and remarks from our partners! Enjoy live music from the Tenderfoot Bluegrass band and light refreshments!