Bobby Mikulas
At Large
Born and raised in Colorado Springs, I am a lifelong outdoor enthusiast and ever learning steward of our natural resources in this beautiful state. I love all things outdoors but especially fly fishing, climbing and alpinism, running, biking, and snowboarding. The Rocky Mountains have shaped me and inspired me to explore the rugged mountains of Ecuador, the limestone cliffs of Thailand, mossy trails of New Zealand, black sand beaches of Iceland, and more. I love to plan, guide, and facilitate adventure trips with my family and friends, new and old. I studied at CU Boulder and Colorado Springs campuses, earning the Eldon Stephens Thesis of the year award for my studies in philosophy and business. In 2016 was very lucky to travel the world with my bride, which inspired us to collaborate with our partners on a hospitality startup in Colorado Springs where I have served for the last six years as the founding CEO for Kinship Landing, an internationally recognized friendly boutique hotel with it’s award winning Homa Cafe and Bar. I also consult for founders and entrepreneurs and am an active member of our downtown community. My sweet spot is recognizing opportunities and designing and implementing solutions that synthesize ideas, people, and resources.
When not working on our businesses or out adventuring, I stay engaged in my local community by volunteering on boards and organizations, hosting community gatherings, kicking around in the woods, and playing with my kiddos and hanging with friends. My three young sons and my wife are my joy and passion. I love and enjoy literature, art, and philosophy. On any given week you can catch me on local trails in my hometown of Colorado Springs, reading, and piddling around barefoot in the yard with my fam.
I joined PPORA Board because I understand the importance of embracing changing demands and user volume when it comes to our outdoors. We must anticipate and respond with the essential infrastructure to support not only the thriving of our trails, plants, animals, and terra, but also sustainable, fair and diverse access for all.
Chris Gonzales
At Large
Growing up in Florida, Chris Gonzales has always had a passion for being active and in nature.
In 2018, he and his wife felt the call of the mountains and moved to Woodland Park to raise their children in the great outdoors.
Chris is the owner of The Movement Training Company, where he works with outdoor athletes to help them prepare their bodies to adventure forever. As a Sport & Orthopedic Massage Therapist and Functional Movement Consultant, he loves getting to help everyone from Olympians to weekend warriors prevent injury, recover faster, and train better so they can continue to enjoy their time outdoors. While his day job is centered around keeping people fit and functional to go on adventures, his volunteer work is focused on making sure they will always have places to go. He is the founder of Teller Trail Team, whose mission is to help create, maintain, and advocate for better trails and outdoor reaction opportunities in and around Teller County. He also serves on the Woodland Park Parks & Rec. Advisory Board where he was a part of creating their new Master Plan, which will guide their City for the next 10+ years. He also spearheaded the Avenger Open Space Project, which will triple the amount of Open Space/Green Way Property held by the City, and usher them into a new era of providing outdoor recreation opportunities for the community.
When he is not helping people live happier, healthier lives, you can find him rock climbing, camping, shooting his bow, or hiking with his family.
Kim Griffis
At Large, Visit Colorado Springs
Kim is a native of Colorado Springs and has lived in the Pikes Peak Region for most of her life. As a self-proclaimed lifelong learner, Kim has a B.A. in Interior Architectural Design and a B.A. in Graphic Design, an M.S. in Nonprofit Management, and an M.A. in Counseling Psychology-Art Therapy. Her current focus is on supporting and promoting local hospitality and tourism-related businesses as the Senior Director of Partnership Development with Visit Colorado Springs, where she enjoys supporting local businesses to engage with and benefit from the millions of people who travel to the area each year.
She was raised as a competitive swimmer and spent her early college years in Northern California where she achieved All-American Champion status before turning to long-distance swimming in So. California. Residing now in the beautiful, but land-locked state of Colorado, Kim enjoys hiking and biking as her primary outdoor sports as well as continuing her passion for art through volunteer work as an art therapist and creating her own artwork in her studio at Cottonwood Center for the Arts.
Kim also enjoys volunteering with local nonprofit organizations and has served on several nonprofit boards of directors with a strong sense of dedication to her community and being of service to others.
Toby Gannett
Past Chair
Toby is a recognized leader in consulting circles with boards of nonprofits, corporations and NGOs. His specific areas of expertise are Governance, Finance, Succession Planning, Strategic Planning, Innovation, CEO Selection, Cyber Security and Artificial Intelligence. Has depth and breadth of skills and experience have earned him national, state and local awards and recognition.
Local awards include the Colorado Springs Mayor’s “Spirit of the Springs Award”, Leadership Pikes Peak “Community Inspiration Award” and the “Colorado Springs “Alumni and Friends Award and many “Best of Colorado Springs” awards.
Toby joined the PPORA board because he has a deep passion for the outdoors. His family has a long history of leadership in land conservation. They were founding members in the National Parks System, the National Academy of Arts and Sciences, National Geographic, USGS, the Royal Society, and the modern practice of Conservation Easements. His grandmother, Rep. Ann Gannett, was a leader and mentor to him in the efforts to preserve land near Walden Pond. Toby grew up in a family committed to outdoors and outdoor recreation. His sister is a former World Extreme Skiing Champion and he grew up living at his father’s family-owned ski area in Southern Colorado which was recently acquired by Vail Resorts. He grew up in the nexus of business, conservation and the recreation industry.
Toby spends at least an hour outside each day hiking, biking, skiing, running, etc. The outdoors is where he recharges and spends time with his family. The long term preservation and stewardship of our region’s land is a top priority for him.
Jeff Mosher
Jeff Mosher moved to the Pikes Peak region in late 2005 to complete his master’s degree and work for several national sports organizations within the Olympic Movement. He transitioned to work for the Colorado Springs Sports Corporation, helping produce some of the most iconic events held in the area. He is currently the Marketing & Events Director for the City of Cripple Creek with responsibilities for economic and community development as well. These efforts include outdoor recreation initiatives in Cripple Creek and the surrounding area.
Jeff joined the PPORA board because of his desire to expand outdoor recreation opportunities for citizens, visitors, and businesses within the Pikes Peak region. The rapid population growth and high visitation rates in the area requires that we be proactive with conservation and stewardship while also providing ample access to our abundant natural resources for all to enjoy. PPORA has done a terrific job of getting all the right people to the table to discuss these issues and act accordingly. The Pikes Peak region is fortunate to have such a positive organization advocating for the outdoor recreation industry.
Dr. JD McKenna
Vice Chair
JD grew up in central Minnesota, where he joined the Boy Scouts at age 6 and joined the military as an Army Ranger and Green Beret. The first time JD came to Colorado, was to train up the newly formed El Paso County Search and Rescue team. Based on that experience, he spent the next dozen years working towards getting back to Colorado permanently.
JD has a Doctoral degree in Business Management with emphasis on Strategic Planning and Organizational Development; with a minor in Information Assurance and Security from Colorado Technical University (CTU). JD is the owner of a consulting and coaching hybrid business, where he helps SMB organizations solve their complex strategic level problems. This is collectively accomplished through facilitated workshops, and tools such as the Business Model Canvas and a Capability Gap Analysis.
JD supports several local organizations that help military personnel, on their transitional journey out of military service. He enjoys mountain biking, backcountry skiing, fishing with his family, and volunteering at local sporting events.
A little-known fact about JD, is that he spent 1 ½ years training in Europe as a mountain guide and wrote a training manual for the Army Special Forces community on winter and high-altitude survival.
Bonnie Goff
Bonnie Goff is proud to serve on the board of the Pikes Peak Outdoor Recreation Alliance, blending a love for Colorado’s great outdoors with a commitment to the local community. Born and raised in Colorado Springs, Bonnie has a deep-rooted connection to the area and has long been an advocate for enhancing outdoor opportunities and sustainable growth in the region.
Professionally, Bonnie is the Director of New Market Launch at Underline Infrastructure, where they focus on expanding high-speed fiber connectivity to support vibrant, well-connected communities. Outside of work, she is often out on the golf course or fly fishing in Colorado’s stunning rivers. Life at home is lively, with four beloved dogs and a college freshman who is following their own path with pride and purpose.
For Bonnie, the board position with the Pikes Peak Outdoor Recreation Alliance is a way to give back and to help shape a future where everyone can enjoy and protect the natural beauty and recreational opportunities that make Colorado Springs such a special place to live.
David Leinweber
David lives and breathes the outdoors – both recreationally and professionally. He has worked as a sales associate, manager, buyer, and owner in outdoor retail industry for over 35 years. Companies he has worked for include; Mountain Miser, REI, Colorado Outdoor Sports, Chickenhead Mountain Sports, Gart Sports, and Grandwest Outfitters. For the last 20+ years he has managed and owned Angler’s Covey, a Colorado Springs specialty fly shop and learning center.
In 2015 David took on the new challenge as founder of the Pikes Peak Outdoor Recreation Alliance partnering with Colorado Springs Chamber & EDC and Visit Colorado Springs. As chairman, he is working to promote the value of the Outdoor Industry to the Pikes Peak community and bring together stakeholders to increase our outdoor amenities, create better access to recreational areas, and promote greater participation in outdoor activities.
David currently serves on the executive committee of the Colorado Outdoor Recreation Industry Office’s Advisory Board and the Pikes Peak Chapter Trout Unlimited Board. He also has served on the American Fly Fishing Trade Association Board for 4 years from 2006 till 2010. Angler’s Covey is also a member of the Outdoor Industry Association and is an Orvis Endorsed Fly Fishing Outfitter and was honored to be selected as the national Orvis Outfitter of the Year 2012 and Fly Shop of the Year in 2019.
Chris Young
At Large
Chris grew up in Texas and has been an active outdoorsman as far back as he can remember. Whether it was fishing at the lake, camping in the forests, or skiing in New Mexico or Colorado, some of Chris’ best memories from growing up were always in the outdoors. In 2019, Chris and his wife, Adrianna, along with their 3 sons, Jack, Cole, and Dean relocated to Colorado Springs to hopefully continue the outdoor legacy for his own family.
When his boys were young, Chris became involved in Scouting, first as an Assistant Scoutmaster then as Scoutmaster for their local Boy Scout Troop. During this time he took their Texas-based Troop everywhere from backpacking the Rocky Mountains, to sailing in the Bahamas, to canoeing the Boundary Waters of Canada, to whitewater rafting the rivers of the American west. Chris is also very proud that he was able to assist his two oldest sons reach the rank of Eagle Scout along the way through their adventures. Chris has a personal mission of helping to conserve outdoor spaces for all to enjoy and promoting health through participation in outdoor activities.
As a professional, Chris has taken his personal mission a step further by focusing on providing wealth management and financial planning solutions to business owners and leaders in the outdoor recreation industry. As a co-founder and financial advisor at local wealth management firm, he helps those that are passionate about the outdoors manage their financial matters to free up both their time and brainpower so that they can continue their focus on promoting the outdoors. Chris is excited to bring his skills around achievement, relationship-building, and opportunity development to the PPORA as he helps to drive the mission of shaping outdoor recreation within the Pikes Peak region.”
Emma Troller
Treasurer, Blue Forest
Emma is a recent transplant to Colorado, having moved to Colorado Springs in early 2021. Despite growing up on the ocean, Emma has always been drawn to the mountains, and she is grateful to now call the peaks, valleys, and alpine lakes of Colorado home.
Emma’s academic background in urban planning and natural resource management has led to a career at the intersection of the built and natural environments. With experience in community engagement, she has facilitated multiple strategic planning processes relating to economic development, outdoor access, and land use protection. Emma strongly believes that the best communities are the ones that thoughtfully weigh smart growth with equitable access to the outdoors. In both her personal and professional lives, she is committed to bringing people together to collaboratively find this balance.
The opportunity to work with landowners and rural communities in Colorado has been the highlight of Emma’s career, and she is thrilled to bring this perspective to the strong work at PPORA. In her free time, Emma can be found hiking, backpacking, exploring the west, fly fishing, or in the garden of her 120-year old home.
Walt Hecox
At Large
Walt grew up in Denver, attended Colorado College, and after graduate school and service in the Army returned to Colorado Springs for a career as a CC faculty member. Hiking, skiing, backpacking, Eagle Scout activities, and a love for Colorado’s outdoors tethered him here for 43 years of active teaching and now retirement. Walt Hecox professor emeritus of economics in the environmental program, Colorado College, received his Ph.D. from Syracuse University (1969)
His specialization in courses and research related to regional resource, sustainable development and ecological economics questions. As a consultant he has managed and performed research for the World Bank, U.S. Agency for International Development, Southern African Development Coordination Conference, U.S. Military Academy, Ford Foundation, National Science Foundation and U.S. Department of Energy and Colorado Department of Natural Resources. He helped organize a citizens group: Advocates For Pikes Peak Summit House; served for 4 years as Senior Program Advisor for El Pomar Foundation’s Pikes Peak Heritage Series; has written about the outdoors as a Guest Contributor to the Colorado Springs Business Journal and Colorado Springs Gazette on Pikes Peak region tourism and recreation issues. Regional economics and management have been central to his research over the past 2 decades. He created and directed the Colorado College State of the Rockies Project 2004-2016 that brought student researchers to over 40 topics driving the economic and environmental dimensions to the 8-state Rockies Region, with annual Report Cards, Conservation surveys, and publication as well as press coverage in state, regional, national and international publications.
Pablo Simon
Ex-Officio, El Pomar Foundation
Pablo grew up in Golden, Colorado and graduated from the University of Puget Sound (UPS) in 2022 with a degree in Business Leadership and minors in Asian Studies and Politics and Government. During his time at UPS, he completed AmeriCorps service at a local food bank and interned at the Center for Dialogue and Resolution. Upon graduating, Pablo worked in Seattle for a year at the College Success Foundation where he coached 200 predominately first-generation and low-income students through financial, academic, and social situations at the University of Washington.
Currently, Pablo is a 1st Year Fellow at El Pomar Foundation where he supports numerous programs and regions for the Foundation. One of these programs is the Pikes Peak Heritage Series which aims to support and promote the natural assets of the Pikes Peak region. He has a passion for all things outdoors including snowboarding, backpacking, and fly fishing, and is always willing to share a fun travel experience from his time abroad.
Jason Hagan
Ex Officio, Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Jason is the current Park Manager of Cheyenne Mountain State Park in Colorado Springs, and has been in this position since 2021 but has served at the park since 2014. Prior to that he served at Cherry Creek State Park for several years. He brings a wealth of varied experience and a unique perspective on the balance of conservation and recreation. Jason is an U.S. Air Force and CO Air National Guard Veteran who grew up in the Pikes Peak region. He finished his B.S. in Biology at University of Colorado Colorado Springs. Jason enjoys spending time fishing and camping with his wife and two daughters and hunting with his loyal Black Lab Luna.