10 benefits10 benefits
Connection and networking with each other as well as land managers within the industry
Recognition within the community as part of a vibrant, important sector
Input & Voice
Input and a voice into issues and policies as well as the future and planning for our region through forums, surveys, task forces and project teams
Access to Information & Resources
Access to information and resources about national, state, and local issues affecting our industry (Job boards, toolkits, and more)
Vehicle to Advocate
A vehicle to advocate together with other outdoor stakeholders for policies and plans that affect you (such as CPW’s Future Generations Act, GOCO funding through CO Lottery reauthorization, Waldo Canyon planning, etc.)
Best Practice Sharing
Best practice sharing and tools to improve your business/nonprofit through the annual Leadership Summit for the Pikes Peak region as well as the blog and resources
Industry Leadership Opportunities
Industry leadership opportunities through the PPORA Advisory Council, Board of Directors, and networking within the industry
Promotion of your business/nonprofit on www.pikespeakoutdoors.org through business listings, advertising, Peakradar.com, and state and national marketing campaigns
Participation in industry events such as State of the Outdoors and Get Outdoors Day
Unity around shared values of recreation and conservation in an industry that has been characterized by silos and competing interests