Collaborating with land managers and like-minded advocacy groups, the PPORA Stewardship Fund brings attention and action to the Pikes Peak region’s trail system and surrounding lands for multiple uses and users. The Fund supports both the existing and the potential system with priority given to ensure race venue areas and trails emerge more sustainable and better connected for enjoyment by all users in the greater community.
The PPORA Stewardship Fund strives to make a tangible improvement in the Pikes Peak area trail system.
The PPORA Stewardship Fund strives to build community-wide awareness and expectation for trail system stewardship.
The PPORA Stewardship Fund strives to embed sustainable protocols in all aspects of the event, such as: electric powered transportation and support, recycling at all venues and events, strategic spectator control to minimize environmental resource damage, pre- and post-race trail repair, and teaming with professional trail contractors.
The PPORA Board of Directors is responsible for all PPORA Stewardship Fund allocations, agreements and implementation.
Within the first five years, the PPORA Stewardship Fund aims to annually complete three types of stewardship efforts.
In prioritized order these include:
Pre and post-race sustainable trail restorations on all race venue trails;
Sustained trail maintenance on the multi-use regional system via partnerships, funding manpower and/or other means;
Partnering with others to achieve long-term visionary regional trail system connectivity.
An Advisory Panel will formulate recommendations for consideration and action by the PPORA BOD. The Panel makeup, envisioned as a group of diverse stakeholders, will be recommended by the APEX race administrator, APEX Board representative, and PPORA Stewardship Fund chair each year for review and approval by the PPORA Executive Director.
All Advisory Board project recommendations must be tangible, ‘do-able” projects benefiting the area’s citizens, meet the PPORA Stewardship Fund Vision, Commitments and Goals, demonstrate benefit to the current and or future APEX venues,and include an implementation strategy, budget and timeline.
Recommendations to the PPORA BOD will be coordinated by the PPORA Stewardship Fund chair for selection/approval and funding allocation.
The PPORA Stewardship Fund will be funded by a percentage of gross income from The Pikes Peak APEX, all post- APEX event remaining funds, and other fundraisers and grants.
Awards include the following:
- $7,000 to the City of Colorado Springs for the Ladders Trail
- $2,000 to Medicine Wheel Trail Advocates for Buckhorn Trail Repairs (USFS trail) and Equipment Purchase
- $1,000 to Friends of the Peak for St. Mary’s Falls Trail (USFS) maintenance
In 2022, PPORA contributed over $9000 to this fund to support future projects. See more of our work this year in our 2022 Annual Report!
This year of funding help support trails including: USFS trails in Monument, CO, new trails in Cheyenne Canyon on Colorado Springs Parks land, and support for existing trails in Palmer Park. Learn more here!
Medicine Wheel Trail Advocates and the City of COS volunteer work day in palmer park.
For more information regarding how the PPORA Stewardship Fund is being allocated, click on the link below!
In addition to the trail work conducted as a result of the APEX’ contribution to the PPORA, Stewardship Fund, PPORA would like to bring attention to several additional stewardship projects being conducted on 2020 APEX racecourse trails this year.
Click on the link below to see those projects on APEX courses of which we are aware.