Old Stage and Gold Camp RoadsOld Stage and Gold Camp Roads
- Remove any visible signs of crime to discourage such behaviors by (facilitating clean ups of abandoned camps, removal of trash, graffiti, and vandalized signs, etc.)
- Expand the proper signage to promote correct behaviors, as well as ensuring signage of consequences for illegal activities is well posted.
- Fund the hiring of two deputies to increase patrol of these two roads
Financial Support:
With the help of our community partners and supporters of the friends group, we have set a fundraising goal of $250,000 to be spent on law enforcement, informative signage on shooting policies, and clean up of existing debris. The role of Pikes Peak Outdoor Recreation Alliance is to help facilitate the finances of the group as a nonprofit entity and serve as the comprehensive fiscal sponsor for this initiative, allowing for tax deductible donations for this cause.
If making a donation online, please email info@ppora.org to designate funds to Friends of Old Stage and Gold Camp Roads.
For mailing in checks, please make checks out to PPORA or Pikes Peak Outdoor Recreation Alliance. Please write “Friends of Old Stage” in the memo line.
Address for mailing in:
310 S 14th St, Colorado Springs, CO 80904