Collaborating with land managers and like-minded advocacy groups, the PPORA Stewardship Fund brings attention and action to the Pikes Peak region’s trail system and surrounding lands for multiple uses and users. The Fund supports both the existing and the potential system with priority given to ensure Pikes Peak APEX race venue areas and trails emerge more sustainable and better connected for enjoyment by all users in the greater community. On August 15th, PPORA and Colorado Springs Sports Corporation announced the allocation of $10,ooo which will go directly into trail maintenance and new trail building in the Pikes Peak region.
The Stewardship Fund Advisory Panel met to discuss five proposed projects for investment, in which they narrowed it down to three ideal projects. After a vote from the PPORA Board of Directors, the PPORA Stewardship Fund announces that it will be awarding the following three projects:
- City of Colorado Springs – $7,000 Ladders Trail and Captain Morgan’s-North Cheyenne Cañon Park: Grade Separated Interchange Feature
- Medicine Wheel Trail Advocates – $2,000 Buckhorn Trail Repairs & Equipment Purchase
- Friends of the Peak- $1,000 St. Mary’s Falls Trail Maintenance
You can read more details from our press release, here!
The majority of funds for the PPORA Stewardship Fund come from the Pikes Peak APEX participant registrations. Projects supported in the past include Palmer Park, Daniels Pass, Sweetwater Canyon, Monument Preserve and others. Read previous year’s blog post!