Toby Gannett - Pikes Peak Outdoor Recreational

Toby Gannett

Past Chair

Toby is a recognized leader in consulting circles with boards of nonprofits, corporations and NGOs. His specific areas of expertise are Governance, Finance, Succession Planning, Strategic Planning, Innovation, CEO Selection, Cyber Security and Artificial Intelligence. Has depth and breadth of skills and experience have earned him national, state and local awards and recognition.

Local awards include the Colorado Springs Mayor’s “Spirit of the Springs Award”, Leadership Pikes Peak “Community Inspiration Award” and the “Colorado Springs “Alumni and Friends Award and many “Best of Colorado Springs” awards.

Toby joined the PPORA board because he has a deep passion for the outdoors. His family has a long history of leadership in land conservation. They were founding members in the National Parks System, the National Academy of Arts and Sciences, National Geographic, USGS, the Royal Society, and the modern practice of Conservation Easements. His grandmother, Rep. Ann Gannett, was a leader and mentor to him in the efforts to preserve land near Walden Pond. Toby grew up in a family committed to outdoors and outdoor recreation. His sister is a former World Extreme Skiing Champion and he grew up living at his father’s family-owned ski area in Southern Colorado which was recently acquired by Vail Resorts. He grew up in the nexus of business, conservation and the recreation industry.

Toby spends at least an hour outside each day hiking, biking, skiing, running, etc. The outdoors is where he recharges and spends time with his family. The long term preservation and stewardship of our region’s land is a top priority for him.

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