Jeff Mosher - Pikes Peak Outdoor Recreational

Jeff Mosher


Jeff Mosher moved to the Pikes Peak region in late 2005 to complete his master’s degree and work for several national sports organizations within the Olympic Movement. He transitioned to work for the Colorado Springs Sports Corporation, helping produce some of the most iconic events held in the area. He is currently the Marketing & Events Director for the City of Cripple Creek with responsibilities for economic and community development as well. These efforts include outdoor recreation initiatives in Cripple Creek and the surrounding area.

Jeff joined the PPORA board because of his desire to expand outdoor recreation opportunities for citizens, visitors, and businesses within the Pikes Peak region. The rapid population growth and high visitation rates in the area requires that we be proactive with conservation and stewardship while also providing ample access to our abundant natural resources for all to enjoy. PPORA has done a terrific job of getting all the right people to the table to discuss these issues and act accordingly. The Pikes Peak region is fortunate to have such a positive organization advocating for the outdoor recreation industry.