Chris Young - Pikes Peak Outdoor Recreational

Chris Young

At Large

Chris grew up in Texas and has been an active outdoorsman as far back as he can remember. Whether it was fishing at the lake, camping in the forests, or skiing in New Mexico or Colorado, some of Chris’ best memories from growing up were always in the outdoors. In 2019, Chris and his wife, Adrianna, along with their 3 sons, Jack, Cole, and Dean relocated to Colorado Springs to hopefully continue the outdoor legacy for his own family.

When his boys were young, Chris became involved in Scouting, first as an Assistant Scoutmaster then as Scoutmaster for their local Boy Scout Troop. During this time he took their Texas-based Troop everywhere from backpacking the Rocky Mountains, to sailing in the Bahamas, to canoeing the Boundary Waters of Canada, to whitewater rafting the rivers of the American west. Chris is also very proud that he was able to assist his two oldest sons reach the rank of Eagle Scout along the way through their adventures. Chris has a personal mission of helping to conserve outdoor spaces for all to enjoy and promoting health through participation in outdoor activities.

As a professional, Chris has taken his personal mission a step further by focusing on providing wealth management and financial planning solutions to business owners and leaders in the outdoor recreation industry. As a co-founder and financial advisor at local wealth management firm, he helps those that are passionate about the outdoors manage their financial matters to free up both their time and brainpower so that they can continue their focus on promoting the outdoors. Chris is excited to bring his skills around achievement, relationship-building, and opportunity development to the PPORA as he helps to drive the mission of shaping outdoor recreation within the Pikes Peak region.”

Chris Young