Cheryl McCullough - Pikes Peak Outdoor Recreational

Cheryl McCullough

Visit Colorado Springs

Cheryl has been involved with PPORA since its inception in 2015, joined the board as an ex officio then later as an at large member, taking on the officer position of Board Secretary.

She feels this is the most important collaboration of recreation businesses, nonprofits, and land managers in our region. Growing and advocating on behalf of outdoor recreation is vital to our region and provides a greater quality of life for our

residents and visitors. The Pikes Peak region is a premier destination for outdoor recreation and PPORA understands the importance of attracting and encouraging businesses to start and relocate in our region.

Cheryl joined Visit Colorado Springs (formerly the Colorados Springs Convention & Visitors Center) in 1997. Cheryl’s degree in sales & marketing, CVB experience and native roots in Colorado Springs provide her with a great background to assist sports event-rights holders, tournament directors & event organizers with their planning needs. She enjoys spending time with her family and 3 dogs, fishing, gardening & traveling

Cheryl McCullough

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