Prior Planning Analysis for the Outdoor Recreation and Conservation Vision Plan
The Pikes Peak region has a history of collaboration and forward-thinking leaders. It was determined that we weren’t starting from zero because so much good collaboration and planning had been done already around issues affecting conservation and recreation. PPORA and a planning working group had identified 48 plans three years earlier that warranted examination; and, after the Task Force met and identified documents they felt were important, the list grew to over 100! Although a daunting task, the team at N.E.S. read through each one as a part of our Needs Assessment to identify key recommendations, implementation status, and stakeholder and community identified priorities.
The next step was to look at key plans and talk with those responsible for the plan and possibly implementation – mainly land managers – to better understand the status of implementation, relevance of recommendations today, barriers to implementation and who is taking ownership. This process is wrapping up as Phase One comes to a close and Phase Two begins.
Below are some snapshots of the work in draft form: