Pikes Peak Region Outdoor Economy Data Hub
The Pikes Peak Outdoor Economy Data Hub was designed and is hosted in collaboration with the University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS). The Hub communicates outdoor-related information to the public and community leaders of the Pikes Peak region for better understanding, recognition of value, and thoughtful fact-based planning and decision making. The outdoor economy data hub serves as a one-stop-shop resource with data in three basic categories: the natural environment (including wildlife), recreation and tourism, and socio-economic. It allows you to explore information, download reports, focus in on maps, or compare and contrast data by county, region, or state. Data is displayed in dashboards, maps, storyboards, infographics, etc.
The Hub is dynamic and we will be adding to it and improving it over time. Phase Two of the planning process includes focus on a multi-layer mapping tool to include key layers helpful in planning conservation and recreation priorities for the region. These may include wildlife corridors, sensitive species, climate resiliency, conserved land and water, recreation infrastructure, recreational/visitor usage and type, etc.
Here are just a few snapshots from the Data Hub today: