The survey will be open for public
comment through December 23, 2020.
“In 2015, the City of Colorado Springs conveyed Jones Park to El Paso County. Jones Park is approximately 1,200 acres and is located within the Bear Creek Watershed and surrounded by United States Forest Service land. The remoteness along with beautiful stands of aspen trees, mature conifer forests, and mountainous terrain has made Jones Park popular for multiple outdoor recreation pursuits. Jones Park is also home to the federally threatened Greenback Cutthroat Trout.
El Paso County contracted with Altitude Land Consultants to complete a Master Plan for Jones Park. This Master Plan will comprehensively outline existing conditions, community interests, and will recommend long term sustainability and conservation of the open space, wildlife habitat, historic and cultural resources, and recreational opportunities within Jones Park. The Master Plan process has included a community survey and multiple public meetings. The Master Plan will help ensure a successful roadmap for the future operation of Jones Park. The Master Plan is being developed in accordance with the Bear Creek Watershed Restoration / Environmental Assessment, US Forest Service Bear Creek Watershed Project / Final Decision, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Opinion, El Paso County Parks standards, and the Jones Park Conservation Easement (held by the Palmer Land Conservancy).
Developing and implementing the Jones Park Master Plan will reinforce the County’s commitment to providing a balanced approach when addressing community recreational needs, while providing responsible land stewardship and asset management…” Read More Here
Link below for public survey. Your voice is important