Rep. Lamborn Places National Monuments and Brown’s Canyon in Jeopardy

When Congress moves fast, we need to pay attention.

Yesterday H.R. 3990 – National Monument Creation and Protection Act legislation was hastily introduced by Rob Bishop (R-UT-1) and quickly co-signed by Doug Lamborn (R-CO-5). It is currently scheduled for a vote tomorrow, October 11, in committee. This kind of “fast-tracking” is unusual and concerning.

This bill proposes to gut the Antiquities Act and our National Monuments. H.R. 3990, is entitled the “National Monument Creation and Protection Act” and, if passed, will radically undermine a conservation legacy sustained by 16 Republican and Democratic Presidents. This bill would cripple the National Monument system. Under the new restrictions it proposes, many of Colorado’s public lands would not have been protected, including Dinosaur National Monument, Canyons of the Ancients, Great Sand Dunes, Browns Canyon, and Black Canyon of Gunnison, as well as many incredible national parks that were first protected as monuments (Grand Canyon, Zion).

Some of the Concerning Aspects of the Bill

  • The bill changes the very definition of antiquities to specifically exclude protection for America’s iconic lands, water, and wildlife habitat;
  • allows energy and mineral development on public lands and waters that are designated for protection;
  • creates arbitrary size limitations and rules for monuments including requiring that monuments be at least 50 miles apart; that the local county, legislature, and Governor approve monuments over 10,000 acres; prohibiting all monuments over 85,000 acres; and
  • acknowledges that the president currently lacks the authority to reduce or revoke national monuments, but the bill gives the president new authority to reduce and eliminate established national monuments.


Congressman Lamborn’s Record on Public Lands

Our Colorado Congressman, Doug Lamborn, is known for his opposition to protect Brown’s Canyon, 21,586 acres along the Arkansas river between Buena Vista and Salida, by refusing to support the Brown’s Canyon National Monument designation. Rep. Lamborn would not help bring Brown’s Canyon to a vote in congress and with the impasse, Senators Udall and Bennett asked the President to use his authority. Now with this introduction of H.R. 3990, that designation could be in question.

Outdoor Recreation is an $887 billion-dollar industry that needs protected public land to support 7.6 million jobs. Rep. Doug Lamborn is out of touch with his constituents if he doesn’t realize the importance of having public land where you can hunt, fish, climb, ride, boat, and RV.

Since 1906, the Antiquities Act has been used to protect America’s iconic landscapes, waterways, wildlife sanctuaries, culturally and historically significant places, and areas of monumental beauty. The Antiquities Act ensures these places remain uncorrupted and accessible for the enjoyment of every American today and into the future. These emblematic places have become outdoor recreation destinations and catalysts for positive job creation and sustainable economies in communities across the nation.

Pikes Peak Outdoor Recreation Alliance (PPORA) believes that local input and well-vetted legislation should be the first course of action whenever designating federal lands for protection. We also believe that the Antiquities Act is a foundational law that protects outdoor recreation on federal lands and must be preserved.


Take Action

PPORA calls for business leaders and every friend of outdoor recreation to call Rep. Doug Lamborn (202)225-4422 and ask him to stop this dangerous legislation and the harm it will cause to the lands and waters on which we hike, hunt, bike, camp, climb, boat, and fish.

Congressman Scott Tipton (CO-3) will be voting on this bill tomorrow (Wednesday, Oct. 11th). You can help make a difference by

  1. Calling Scott Tipton’s office at 970-241-2499 (Grand Junction), 970-259-1490 (Durango), 719-542-1073 (Pueblo), 719-587-5105 (Alamosa), or 202-225-4761 (DC, last resort).
  2. Posting from your personal and company social media using the below suggestions (#MonumentsForAll)

Ask our Congressmen to preserve the Antiquities Act, vote NO on H.R. 3990, and protect our communities, our economies, and our national heritage.


David Leinweber

Owner – Angler’s Covey

Chairman – Pikes Peak Outdoor Recreation Alliance