Strengthening the Outdoor Recreation Economy
On Tuesday, May 3, the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources unanimously approved the America’s Outdoor Recreation Act of 2022.The legislation is aimed at improving and increasing outdoor recreation opportunities on federal lands by:
- improving and modernizing recreation infrastructure
- ensuring greater access and opportunities for recreation activities
- improving the permitting process for outfitters and guides
- establishing a pilot-program, providing real-time visitation data to the public
- creating a financial assistance program to help new businesses expand in hotspot recreation areas
Along with improving and expanding the outdoor recreation economy, the America’s Outdoor Recreation Act will provide a sustainable economic boost to rural communities.
“This bipartisan proposal will expand Americans’ access to outdoor spaces and recreation, support local outdoor industry businesses and their employees, and bring meaningful economic opportunities to countless communities. Following nearly two years of COVID-19 related lockdowns and economic stress, these proposals would also improve the mental, physical, and economic well-being of everyone, regardless of zip code, background, or income.” –said Lise Aangeenbrug, Executive Director, Outdoor Industry Association
Stay tuned, as the bill now awaits consideration by the full Senate.
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