The Friends of Old Stage and Gold Camp Roads is a citizen effort to address the concerns on both Old Stage and Gold Camp Roads. Formed by a collaboration of ranchers, outfitters, non-profits, residents, and outdoor enthusiasts, the friends group’s mission is to preserve, fund, and enhance the historic Old Stage and Gold Camp Roads on Pikes Peak. 

An increase in illegal shooting, graffiti and tagging of property, dumping of garbage, drug use, homeless camping, and abandoned campfires across Old Stage and Gold Camp Roads have been the driving factors in establishing this group.

Recent media coverage with Friends Group organizer, Jim Johnson, highlights some of the recent encounters and issues local residents, business owners, and outdoor enthusiast are experiencing. View the article and news coverage here! 

The role of Pikes Peak Outdoor Recreation Alliance is to help facilitate the finances of the group as a nonprofit entity and serve as the  comprehensive fiscal sponsor for this initiative, allowing for tax deductible donations for this cause. With the help of our community partners and supporters of the friends group, we have set a fundraising goal of $250,000 to be spent on law enforcement, informative signage on shooting policies, and clean up of existing debris. Donate and Support here! 

Join us in a Ride Along Awareness Tour to learn more! Tours are an opportunity for interested individuals to learn about the challenges the Friends of Old Stage and Gold Camp Roads group are hoping to address. Hop in an Adventures Out West jeep for this 2 hour tour! Register here.